
In Episode 3 of Embrace Every Moment, Lidl-Trek competes in the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift, highlighting the growth of teams, rivalries, and women’s cycling.

Embrace every moment

Episode 1: Human Powered Health
The 2024 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift was more than a race — it was a declaration. Women’s cycling has fought tirelessly for its place in the spotlight, and now, with each pedal stroke, it’s proving that the future of the sport is brighter than ever.

Episode 2: EF Education-Oatly
EF Education-Oatly is a team that embodies creativity, energy, and unpredictability — qualities that make them a fan favorite on and off the road. In this episode of Embrace Every Moment, we dive into the personalities and performances that set this team apart during the 2024 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift.

Episode 3: Lidl-Trek
Lidl-Trek came to the 2024 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift with one goal: to leave their mark. With a squad of seven powerhouse riders, they proved to be a force in every stage — Elisa Balsamo’s explosive sprints, Shirin van Anrooij’s fight for the white jersey, and Gaia Realini’s relentless climbing pushed the team forward, all under the leadership of captain Lucinda Brand.
Why I Roam

Episode 1: Dillon Osleger
Scientist, trail builder, writer, environmental policy advocate, and mountain biker Dillon Osleger has many titles, yet they're all connected just like the ecosystems and the public lands where he spends time in search of speed on his bike.

Episode 2: Lael Wilcox
Each of us has a unique reason for choosing the bike. For bikepacker and ultra-endurance cyclist Lael Wilcox, it’s about pushing her limits and empowering women and girls to do the same.

Episode 3: Clara Brown
Three-time World Champion and Paralympian Clara Brown never thought it’d be possible to walk again after suffering a traumatic spinal cord injury that left her paralyzed from the neck down at the age of 12.

Episode 4: Christopher Stricklen
For photographer Christopher Stricklen, the moments he captures in cycling are bigger than the ride itself. While bikes may be present in his images, Christopher’s true focus surrounds the emotion and experience of riding — all moments in time, frozen in photograph.

Episode 5: Jordan Schleck
For Team AMANI’s Jordan Schleck, riding and racing bikes is a symbol of opportunity, livelihood, and a way to form lasting connections with others. It’s a way to find joy in the shared experience of exploration and discovery.
Walmsley Episodes

UTMB is not conquerable by a human, it's conquerable by the human spirit. And you need to harness the spirit in order to accomplish the goal. Watch Jim Walmsley's journey to becoming the first American male to win UTMB.

Der Weg ist das Ziel … Mit dieser Einstellung überwindet Jim die Enttäuschung, sein Ziel nicht erreicht zu haben. Erhalten Sie einen Einblick in die Gedanken des Ultramarathonläufers Jim Walmsley, der nach Größe in der Ultramarathonszene strebt. Wenn wir die Reise gar nicht erst antreten, was können wir dann überhaupt lernen? Können wir überhaupt wachsen? Und sind Erfolge nicht umso süßer, wenn sie mit Rückschlägen verbunden waren?

Den UTMB könnte man auch den Superbowl des Ultra Runnings nennen. Er begeistert riesige Menschenmassen und ist international so bekannt wie der Boston-Marathon. Der UTMB oder „Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc“ findet jedes Jahr im August in Chamonix statt, im Herzen der französischen Alpen.

Um als erster Amerikaner den Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc zu gewinnen, stellte Jim Walmsley sein Zuhause, sein Leben und sein Training auf den Kopf, um etwas Historisches zu erreichen.
EF Explore Series

Kristen Faulkner: Focused
Ever since she was a little girl, growing up in Homer, Alaska, Kristen Faulkner wanted to be an athlete. She tried every sport she could when she was young, focusing first on swimming in school and becoming state champion, and then rowing in college, where she competed for Harvard.

Coryn Labecki: One to Go
Coryn Labecki started racing bicycles at the age of 11 on a dare from a family friend. Over the next 21 years she has collected 74 national championship titles and is the only American to have won Ronde van Vlaanderen. We join Coryn at her last race as a professional, the Bucks County Classic, and recall a lifetime of wins and stories defining the career of an undeniable legend of the sport.

Right-Hand Man | Tom Hopper + Lachlan Morton
Lachlan Morton has ticked off an impressive list of off-road finishes and records, round Australia, Unbound Gravel, Tour Divide, and the Colorado Trail among many others. But, without his friend, mechanic, and informal program director, Tom Hopper

Gracias, Rigo | Rigoberto Urán beendet seine Karriere
Radsportlegende Rigoberto Urán kündigt seinen Rücktritt nach der Saison 2024 an. Er beendet eine bewegte Karriere und startet ein neues Kapitel.
Wahoo Frontiers

Wahoo Frontiers: Heather Jackson
Jedem Ende liegt ein Anfang inne. Nach 15 Jahren als Profi-Triathletin suchte Heather Jackson eine neue Herausforderung. Sie wollte eine Gemeinschaft aufbauen und über Ihre Grenzen und Erwartungen an das, was menschenmöglich ist, hinausgehen.

Wahoo Frontiers: SODARO
Chelsea Sodaro, die amtierende IRONMAN-Weltmeisterin, ist nicht nur stolz auf ihre sportlichen Leistungen, sondern vor allen Dingen darauf, immer für sich und ihre Tochter da zu sein.

Ian Boswell King of Unbound Gravel
In December of 2019, Ian Boswell announced his retirement from road cycling and his shift in focus to gravel racing. Ian set his route to all things adventure. Riding is fun. Racing should be fun. But it’s hard to remember that when focusing on wins and watts, podiums, and purses.

Peter Stetina
Riding is fun. Racing should be fun. But it’s hard to remember that when focusing on wins and watts, podiums and purses. It becomes exhausting. So there’s a new breed of professional athletes choosing to transition away from the status quo. And though they possess the racing pedigree of their peers, they want to experience the joy of racing again.

FURSA | Möglichkeit
Fursa ist Suaheli und bedeutet „Chance“. Zusammen mit Amani Racing unterstützen wir Athleten von Ostafrika und geben ihnen die Chance, gegen die besten Gravel-Fahrer der Welt zu fahren. Vier Elite-Radfahrer wurden für das US-Team ausgewählt und treten im SBT GRVL, BWR Asheville & Vermont Overland an und entwickeln neue Routen für die Athleten von Ostafrika, um ihr ganzes Potenzial auszuspielen.

FURSA: Teil 2
Am 27. August 2022 verstarb Sule Kangangi tragischerweise während des Vermont Overland Race. Dieser Film soll die Geschichte des Team Amani erzählen und Sules Werk fortsetzen. Die Motivation, ostafrikanischen Athleten die Türen zu unserem Sport zu öffnen, wurde durch die Tragödie noch verstärkt.

Our Home Iten
The first short film highlights our home in Iten, Kenya, where our riders live, train and develop into champions. It is long known for its pedigree in distance running, but why not cycling as well?

Tour of Tigray
Tigray has long been the heart of Ethiopia’s cycling development. But for two years it was the centre of the civil war. The Tour of Tigray serves as its premier cycling event, featuring eight stages that start and finish in some of the regions major cities.