Was ist Überlastungstraining?

Egal ob du planst, ein Trainingslager oder ein Etappenrennen in deinen nächsten Trainingsblock einzubauen, es gibt einige wichtige Punkte, die du bei der Planung deines Aufbaus berücksichtigen solltest. Wir werden uns ansehen, was Überlastungstraining ausmacht und wie du diese Wochen mit hohem Trainingsvolumen sicher in deinen eigenen Trainingsplan einbauen kannst. Was ist Überlastungstraining? Einfach...

Warming Up Before a Run

While it can be tempting to roll out of bed, lace up your shoes, and head out the door for your early morning run…perhaps this time around you pump the brakes. While many runners may not think twice about running without a warm-up, it may be time to start reconsidering.  Why is Warm Up...

Ian Boswell’s Cape Epic Ride By The Numbers

Based on the stories, sounds like Absa Cape Epic absolutely lived up to its name once again- eight days with over 600 kilometers of riding and over 15.000 meters of climbing!  It is the most televised mountain bike race in the world, labeled as the off-road Tour de France and classed as hors categorie...

The Performance Myths Between Men and Women

It is obvious that there are physical differences between men and women. Men are typically taller, more muscular, and therefore usually outperform women when it comes to upper body performances (like lifting), strength, and power events. This is also true when it comes to shorter-distance events; historically, men outperform women. That being said, this...

Vorteile des High Cadence Training

High cadence can be a very subjective matter. While one may say that pedaling at 80 rpm is an extremely high cadence, a track sprinter may say that 240 rpm is a high cadence. Whatever your view of “high cadence” may be; the importance of incorporating high cadence drills into your training repertoire does...

Debunking Training and the Menstrual Cycle

Women are not small men. Some of you may be familiar with this phrase as made famous by Dr. Stacy Sims, a leading researcher on female physiology and endurance. This statement could not be more true. Though some women may train just the same as their male counterparts, the truth is our physiology differs...

How Long Does It Take To Lose Fitness?

We have all been there at one point or another: the fear that begins to creep in when we have to take a day off from training. Whether this is due to energy levels, family/life obligations, or injury prevention, a day can feel like an eternity for most endurance athletes. What would happen if...

Indoor Cycling Drills that Build Strength and Efficiency

Many training programs include a day, or even a few days dedicated to drill work. Before a track session, runners will perform a routine of warm-up drills and activation to prepare themselves for the task ahead. Swimmers perform drills almost every single practice during warm-up to make sure that their form is set up...

What Causes Cramps and How Do You Stop Them?

Many of us have experienced the all too common cramp that causes us to cease exercise immediately and try to walk it off. If you have not experienced it for yourself, you can probably view this occurrence around mile 20 of any marathon. Athletes moving along fine and then all of the sudden being...

Ask the Experts: Beating the Heat

Extreme heat can be an athlete’s worst enemy when it comes to maintaining optimized performance. No matter your discipline or focus, heat makes both exertion and recovery more challenging. Understanding why the body struggles more in the heat can be a valuable tool for helping to cope with higher temperatures. Knowing how to properly...

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