Sprint Distance Triathlon 101

For most individuals who begin dipping their toes in triathlon, the goal seems to always end with one word: Kona. Qualifying and competing in the Ironman World Championships is a bucket list event for many triathletes. Ironman-distance triathlons are the equivalent of completing a marathon in the world of running or a century in...

Ask the Experts: Hill Climbing 101

Even if we are not preparing to race in the Tour anytime soon, it is an important skill to become a strong climber for any cyclist. With increased metrics provided to riders at the touch of a button, it is easier than ever to track your performance and improvement in cycling across the board....

Indoor Cycling Drills für Kraftaufbau und Effizienz

Viele Trainingsprogramme beinhalten einen Tag oder sogar mehrere Tage, die Übungseinheiten gewidmet sind. Vor einer Bahneinheit führen Läufer eine Routine von Aufwärmübungen und Aktivierungen durch, um sich auf die bevorstehende Aufgabe vorzubereiten. Schwimmer führen bei fast jedem Training während des Aufwärmens Übungen durch, um sicherzustellen, dass ihre Form richtig eingestellt ist, um nicht nur...

Running Form 101

Running. It used to be so easy. Plan the time and/or distance for your workout, put on your running gear, and go. During the run, you might have monitored pace, and perhaps heart rate, but that was it. Of course, it is still possible to approach running as we did a few years ago,...

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