Indoor Cycling ist jede Art von Indoor-Übung, die sich darauf konzentriert, Pedale im Kreis zu drehen. Es kann sehr unterschiedlich aussehende Geräte umfassen, einschließlich Untertisch-Pedalsysteme, rollende Zylinder, Heimtrainer oder Indoor-Fahrradtrainer. Um einen Überblick über Indoor Cycling zu bekommen, werfen wir einen Blick auf die beliebtesten Formen der Ausrüstung! Für jedes Indoor-Cycling-System gilt: Je mehr...
Wie man das ultimative Indoor-Cycling-Setup aufbaut
Es ist Zeit, alle Ablenkungen zu beseitigen. Es ist Zeit, alles zu verbessern. Es ist Zeit, den ultimativen Indoor-Cycling-Bereich zu gestalten. Den ultimativen Indoor-Cycling-Bereich zu erschaffen, ist ein dreistufiger Prozess. Verbessere deine Fahrradausrüstung Verbessere deine Unterhaltung Verbessere deine Atmosphäre Die ultimative Fahrradausrüstung Die Kernausrüstung Beginne damit, den richtigen Trainer, den richtigen Fahrradcomputer, die...
Ask the Experts: Indoor Cycling Power vs. Outdoor Power
Why is there a difference between the power you can put into the pedals outdoors than the power indoors? The difference between indoor cycling power and outdoor power tends to be more pronounced with shorter, higher-intensity efforts, especially when you’re out of the saddle. The reason why comes down to a few different factors....
Ask the Experts: Best Nutrition for Race Day Performance
You’ve trained hard for your race, putting in the workweek in and week out so you’re in top form. Now comes the big day. Don’t let all of that hard work and preparation go to waste by getting your race day nutrition wrong. Just like you can’t put sawdust in the tank of an...
Regaining Fitness and Motivation After Injury
As much as we try to avoid it, injury at times is a part of the sport. There are the lucky few who can go throughout their careers relatively unscathed, while others seem to come upon a hurdle to clear more often than not. Whether it is your first injury or your 50th, the...
Über die Grenzen hinausgehen – Das SYSTM 4DP Power Profile
With the advent of accurate, reliable smart trainers like the KICKR and SNAP, more athletes are taking advantage of the benefits of training with power. With that comes a greater focus on metrics like Functional Threshold Power (FTP). For the uninitiated, FTP is typically defined as the highest power output you can maintain for...
Indoor Cycling Drills that Build Strength and Efficiency
Many training programs include a day, or even a few days dedicated to drill work. Before a track session, runners will perform a routine of warm-up drills and activation to prepare themselves for the task ahead. Swimmers perform drills almost every single practice during warm-up to make sure that their form is set up...
Gestützt auf genaue Werte: Leistung
Ein leistungsbasiertes Training auf dem Rad ist die optimale Methode, um aus aufgewendeter Zeit und Anstrengung das Maximum herauszuholen. While many still use heart rate-based training methods (which have been tried and true) heart rate is affected by many factors outside of effort alone. When using a power meter like the Wahoo...