Ask the Experts: Hill Climbing 101

Even if we are not preparing to race in the Tour anytime soon, it is an important skill to become a strong climber for any cyclist. With increased metrics provided to riders at the touch of a button, it is easier than ever to track your performance and improvement in cycling across the board....

Ask the Experts: Marathon Training 101

Whether new to the sport, or a veteran, finishing a marathon is a bucket list item for many runners. Toeing the line for your first marathon is taking a large leap into the unknown. With many running race distances, you may not have the best preparation and can still walk away with a decent...

How Long Does It Take To Lose Fitness?

We have all been there at one point or another: the fear that begins to creep in when we have to take a day off from training. Whether this is due to energy levels, family/life obligations, or injury prevention, a day can feel like an eternity for most endurance athletes. What would happen if...

Indoor Cycling Drills that Build Strength and Efficiency

Many training programs include a day, or even a few days dedicated to drill work. Before a track session, runners will perform a routine of warm-up drills and activation to prepare themselves for the task ahead. Swimmers perform drills almost every single practice during warm-up to make sure that their form is set up...

Don’t Bail on a Workout, Adjust It

While we all imagine executing our training to a T, rarely is this the case. More often than not, the path to success resembles more of a wet noodle than that of a straight line. The bottom line is: that’s okay. Even more so, it is to be expected. We can’t always be at...

Running Form 101

Running. It used to be so easy. Plan the time and/or distance for your workout, put on your running gear, and go. During the run, you might have monitored pace, and perhaps heart rate, but that was it. Of course, it is still possible to approach running as we did a few years ago,...

Ask the Experts: When to Skip a Workout

It happens to all of us: we wake up feeling under the weather or perhaps we had a terrible night of sleep, BUT you have a workout on the schedule for today: so what do you do? If you work with a coach it can be reassuring to hear the words, “it’s okay to...

By The Numbers: Ian Boswell’s Unbound Win

The first big gravel monument of 2021 is done and dusted. After a grueling day of riding across the hot, windy, and at times chunky gravel roads of Kansas’s UNBOUND Gravel signature event, Wahoo athlete Ian Boswell took the top step of the podium in the 200-mile race with a winning time of 10:17:24. ...

The Comprehensive Guide to Gravel Training and Racing

It’s no secret that Gravel Bike Racing is the new shazam and events are popping up all over the world to take advantage of the craze. There are so many different types of gravel grinder events from charity rides to grand fondos to full-blown races and they come in all shapes and sizes. Hier...

Are You Overtrained? Warning Signs of Overtraining

It can begin with a simple idea that doing one more training session can help improve your performance. Perhaps one more interval, or one more mile, and this leads you down a rabbit hole of constant doubt if what you’re doing is enough. Working hard is an excellent attribute to possess, but when overworking (and...

Mit diesen Übungen laufen Sie schneller

You’ve recently picked up running, and now you’ve set your next goal: get faster. The desire to get quicker isn’t a new notion for anyone who starts endurance sports. The hunger to get from point A to point B faster than before is an inevitable feeling we all encounter at one point or another. ...

Experten gefragt: Was sind Laufdynamiken

What does the perfect running form look like? The short answer is: it depends. All runners are not built the same. You will not look like or run like every training partner you have, or every individual you line up on the start line against, and you shouldn’t! We are all built differently. Eini...

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